Motivation can be divided into intrinsic and extrinsic: Intrinsic motivations produce of a sense within oneself of interest/enjoyment of the
Out-toeing is a common condition in toddlers and young children in which the foot turns outward, and is the opposite
Why we get heel fissures and callus & how we can treat them What – Very thick, dry and cracked skin
With more people working from home due to Coronavirus, there has been an increase in people presenting with spinal stiffness
Did you know that your sleep can affect how much pain you have? Sleep is essential for mental and physical
Perform once per day 1. Hand resting on chair/kitchen bench 2. Balance on affected leg for 5-10 seconds3. Repeating 5
As we age, we experience a decrease in flexibility, balance, strength, and senses. Many factors can cause a fall. The